Fumanelli er igen i Danmark. Vi er meget glade for samarbejdet med Fumanelli og håber selvfølgelig i nyder deres vine ligeså meget som os. Ud over de klasiske Valpilicella vine, er her også lidt hvidvin ibland som bør smages. Fra Fumanellis egen hjemmeside (https://www.fumanelli.it/en/) The Squarano estate is located in the heart of the Classic Valpolicella on a hill surrounded by cypresses. Here the Marchesi Fumanelli started producing grapes and prestigious wines since 1470 on the ancient remains of a roman installation. Many are the inscriptions and artifacts in the estate among which a vestige from a temple dedicated to the goddess Flora. It is also probable that one of the estates of King Berengario in the X century was located on the summit of the Squarano hill.